Sophisticated Mobility for a Greater Region

Convenient. Frequent. Fast. Comfortable.

MVX recognizes that transit doesn't exist in a vaccuum. Travel times must be faster than driving to attract riders, spur housing development, and deliver emissions reductions.

As a nonprofit society, we're unequivocal that a regional rail network for the South Coast must:

  • Outcompete drive time
  • Catalyze housing development
  • Be co-led by First Nations
  • Aggressively innovate on delivery methods and cost control
  • Capture land value uplift to fund its construction

Supported by believers of better

A Leaner, Greener Future

BC's South Coast should lead the way in creating jobs, providing good value for investment, and have a lasting impact. MVX is an ambitious vision to provide more sustainable mobility, interregional connectivity, and address challenges that cannot be solved with accepting the status-quo.

For a Greater Region

Greater Vancouver has changed. Our region has grown. Communities in the Sea to Sky and the Fraser Valley are integral to our future. We are now the South Coast region and with 2.7 million people, over half the population of the province, we must consider the economic, social, cultural and environmental questions of our entire region together.

Benefits that transcend generations and foster reconciliation

The benefits of a South Coast regional rail connection will be enduring and uplifting. By designing the vision as a partnership led by First Nations in BC, it will help to support reconciliation. It will also enable car-free access to affordable communities across the region, create economic value, connect to resorts, outdoor destinations, and lay the foundation for international connections.

Open Letter

MVX is pleased to share our open letter to TransLink and the Province articulating our position in favour of studying regional rail and identifying properties for future Transit-oriented Development.

These organizations have signed the open letter:

Benefits at a Glance

With speeds that outcompete driving, passengers will be able to travel from the mountains to the valley faster than ever before. With stations at key regional hubs, the MVX will become the economic engine of sustainable growth for the next generation. With travel times up to 4 times faster than driving, regional rail will transform the way we move and live, opening up unforeseen economic opportunities for decades to come.